Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average ratio of the classroom?
We are below the State requirements in teacher ratio and space.  

Is the classroom structured or play based?
We balance a classroom with free choices and structure.  It is important that children have choices in what interest them.  Children need to learn how to interact with peers and share the teachers' attention.  We set up different areas to allow children to learn through play.  Academics are important and are taught with one teacher and four students.  The children are grouped together by the ability of the task at hand.  Some children enjoy doing learning with the touch approach and others like to have their work brought home to share with their parents. We have circle time that focuses on learning the concepts that will be used when they enter grade school.

How is discipline handled?
We use redirection instead of "time out". We find that children need to learn how to deal with their problems instead of being isolated from them. We deflect the problems before they become a conflict. For example, if we see a child losing control in the sand area we would suggest to go into a different area before it gets out of hand. Positive guidance and modeling of appropriate behavior helps the child gain control for their actions.

What is our most important goal?
We look at children as individuals. We teach toward their personalities, not toward the group. We want to encourage a shy child to feel comfortable. Just as we teach a child who is very outgoing to be proud of who they are and show them ways to use this positively. Building self-esteem is critical during the first five years of a child's life. It is so important to us to build their confidence in order for them to successful in school.

What if my child cries?

Separation anxiety is hard for not only the child, but the parents too.  It a developmental stage that parents have to work through. As tough as it may be, do not prolong the goodbyes. Children do not understand time so, a simple statement of "I will pick you up after you have story time" works best. Using the car pool works as your child does not have to see you leave. Keeping a tight schedule works the best. Letting your child stay home allows them to feed the separation anxiety. In most all cases after a week or two they do not have problems in class. They become used to the routine that they will be picked up after story time.

Does my child need to be potty trained?
No, as long as you are working on it at home. We find that pushing your child causes more problems. Usually they want to go to the bathroom like the big kids. They soon become independent and have the confidence to use the bathroom. 

What if I am late?
Please call and leave a message if you are going to be late or have someone else pick up your child. We like to reassure the child and explain so they will not think they are forgotten. Remember anyone picking up your child must be on the emergency card or be called in by a parent only. We ID all people picking up your child who we do not know (yes, even grandma!). We always can hear our phone answering machine we just do not pick it up unless it is a parent with a request. 

What makes us different from others?
We are a preschool only.  We do not have children who are in our school for 6- 10 hours.  This makes a big difference in learning and social skills. Our ratio for children is below state requirements, this allows us to observe and interact more then most programs.  We do not teach toward the age. We teach toward the ability. When a child enters our program, if they are advance we move them up to the next level. The same goes toward children who need extra help. We will help them acquire the knowledge so that they do not get behind. This is why our learning is no more then four children in a group.  Our preschools main goal is to promote self esteem. We want our children to feel confident when they enter Kindergarten. We don't push, we encourage. All of our teachers hold BS degrees in early childhood.