Curriculum Goals

Classroom experiences and activities are based on explicit guidelines that specify essential knowledge and skills for all preschool-age children.
Providing an opportunity for children to learn at their own individual levels in order to build a solid, coherent foundation for later learning. Explicit goals allow teachers to make knowledge and skills accessible to preschoolers in small manageable steps; children are always ready to learn if teachers know where to start. High expectations for all children, recognizing that rates and methods of learning may vary among individuals. Effective planning and monitoring to identify learning gaps and insure that important knowledge and skills are not omitted. Teachers assume an interactive role in guiding and presenting experiences and instruction. Provide a smooth transition and ensure ongoing learning from preschool to kindergarten.

Program Goals

Our Philosophy

Movement and Coordination:   *Gross Motor Skills *Eye-Hand and Eye-Foot Coordination *Group Games *Creative Movement and Expression Social Skills:  *Sense of Self and Personal Responsibility *Working in a Group Setting Work Habits:   *Memory Skills *Following Directions *Task Persistence and Completion Language:   *Oral Language *Nursery Rhymes *Poems, Finger plays and Songs *Storybook reading and Storytelling *Phonic Skills *Introduction into Spanish Mathematics:  *Patterns and Classification *Geometry *Measurement *Numbers and Numbers Sense *Addition and Subtraction with Concrete Objects *Money Geography:  *Flags *Maps *Basic Geographical Concepts Science:  *Human Characteristics *Animal Characteristics *Plant Characteristics *Physical Elements *Tools Music:  *Imitate and Produce Sounds *Listen and Sing *Listen and Move Visual Arts: *Creating Art (Printing, Painting, Drawing, Collage, and Sculpture) *Looking At and Talking About Art

Our goal is to help each child progress to increasing skill, mastery and independence in performing to provide challenging, but not frustrating, learning experiences in a loving, non-pressure environment.  We are sensitive to each child’s developmental needs. We understand that each child has a different capacity for learning. We do not feel that pushing children is the way to learn. We create an atmosphere that encourages self-confidence and a positive self-image. Our teachers take an active role in guiding, instructing, and presenting new experiences.